Alhamdulillah our education department has taken huge strides in making zakat education easy and accessible to the general public. They have achieved this by publishing a summary of the “the twin sister of swala”. This book has all the information needed to understand zakat in its entirety. To get a copy one can visit our website or visit our offices.


We also held a zakat education seminar for dawah groups from across Nairobi. These groups were taught zakat in great detail and as the knowledge they acquired to further educate more people on the ground in their areas of operation.


We also endeavoured to organise corporate zakat education classes for Muslim owned companies where zakat is taught to all employees so that everyone in the company can have an understanding of their obligation of zakat. Some companies,associations and organisations where we have held these zakat classes include Patco Industries, Oil Com, Hass Petroleum, Fleet Logistics, Dahabshil, helping hand for relief and development and kenya association of muslim medical professionals. If you would like to organise a zakat course for your company, please contact our office.


Alhamdulillah we have also been able to hold zakat classes in masaajid across Nairobi. Our Zakat Open Days have been held in masaajid in Nairobi to better educate the Muslim ummah on the importance of zakat in our society and how it can be used to combat poverty in our society. The masaajid covered so far include Masjid Darul arqam kileleshwa, Masjid Twaiba Kawangware, Masjid Al Ameen Juja Road, Masjid Adams Ngong Road, Masjid Noor Riruta and Masjid Parklands. To register your local masjid for zakat education please contact our offices.

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